Friday, July 25, 2014

Story Time: Spiders

Today, while working, I was weeding a part that is heavily flooded. I know, why weed in flooded areas? Well these obnoxious bird vetch plants can survive the waist deep water, and still produce seeds, which, because of the flooding can be transported even farther than normal. So I put on chest waders, and flippers and a little fishing inter-tube we use to float out to islands (usually we can make it there in the waders with the water being chest high. But due to the high flooding here, this island was under waist deep water, in which vetch grows plentifully. As I'm maneuvering around the willows pulling the nasty weeds, I see something on my forehead. And so I flick it off, of course. And I look where I flicked (the lake) and saw a couple leaves floating in the general area, so I assumed it was just a leaf that had gotten stuck on my forehead - or so I was hoping. Until, a moment later I saw a spider bobbing to the surface and quickly making its way to a willow shoot. I just about died knowing I had that HUGE guy on my face. He is the size of a dollar coin, and hairy and UGLY! Now I should mention that I am usually not afraid of spiders. I like them, and usually don't mind them. In this situation I will admit I stared in shock. Realized no one would believe this - so I took a picture. And trying to maintain steady breathing backed away and paddled back to the coast where I then zipped away as quickly as possible. I then texted Gordon that I couldn't go back there, and so here I am now, hours later, sitting in my office instead of enjoying the day because of one very large spider. I am planning on returning to the area.

I think the spider might be a thin legged wolf spider pardosa xerampelina.


  1. Wolf spiders are the cutest spiders.

  2. Cute!?
    I will say spiders can be beautiful and majestic, but not so much cute and cuddly.
