Monday, December 29, 2014


We were invited to a Christmas Eve Party with some wardies. It was a bit strange as we were the youngest couple, and the only ones without kids, it's still strange to me that I'm in the same "class" as parents. We stayed late talking. Gordon left their kids a Santa Claus note and ate all the cookies. We got home around 3, and Gordon insisted it was already Christmas so we needed to open presents. I relented and we opened our gifts and took turns taking fun pictures with our cool new gifts.
Warmest socks ever - thanks to Alecia

present to myself (those Yak-Trak grippies for shoes)

Gordon and his socks

MORE SOCKS! (I feel a bit like Dumbledore)

Blurry awesome earrings - Thanks again to Alecia

Santa's BIG gift this year - a car emergency kit

Awesome wrist warmers and bracelet - Thanks to Mie

Installed moments after this photo was taken. Love this!

More Momma Mie gifts - Oliphant Skirt and scarf (the scarf has shiney glitterly parts)

Gordon trying his toothbrush


OOOOOHHHH Yea! Loverly necklaces
Octavious has no idea what to do about this. 
Thanks for all the love this holiday season!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

The days have started getting longer again. Sun rises at 11am and sets at 2:30pm. The sun doesn't get high enough over the trees by our place for direct sun light. The world is covered in ice and snow. Luckily we haven't had any accidents. As Gordon is volunteering at the station he tells me how bad the roads are for other folks. It's rather handy. We know where the accidents are and the parts of town to avoid.

Gordon and I are working through the holidays. It gives us a reason to get out of the house. Which is nice. Income is nice too.

We have been invited to a friend's home for Christmas eve dinner. Christmas day will be full of present opening and skyping with family. Traditions we have decided to implement: Big Christmas breakfast, opening presents one at a time with space to play/ use/ put the new present away. Opening sleeping-related present on the eve (this year is slippers :)) Gordon convinced me into letting him cook a duck for dinner. We've made friends of the current missionaries, one elder is from the Philippines, so we're making a Filipino meal on Saturday for him. 

I posted on Google Drive a folder of Alaska Pictures I took this past year with my nice new fun camera. If anyone is interested in printing them off and wants the original photo, just let me know. 
 Picture from Campus. The only place I can see the sun because campus is on a hill with few trees.

The sun peaking though the clouds and above the ice fog. This is about as high as the sun gets.

We have had a warm winter so far with lots of fluffy snow. Some trees are getting really heavy. There is one tree on the country road we live on that is bent over the road. We're just waiting for it to snap.