Friday, December 29, 2017

Gingerbread House

I made this gingerbread house. And it makes me happy.

Well, I decorated it. It was one of those pre-made gingerbread houses. My in-laws and I all made one. I only took pictures of mine though because I was proud of myself and other people were taking group shots, so I didn't think I needed too. But I haven't seen any of the group shots posted. But I'm not on Instragram so they might have been posted there. Anyways, the other ones where good too. But this is my blog so I'm just gonna talk about mine.

Southeastern Utah Beauty

This is a post of pretty things I took  pictures of while wandering about southeastern Utah in 2017.
This is the view from our apartment.

Courthouse Wash in Arches National Park. Co-worker pictured at the base of the huge wall.

Blooming prickly pear cactus.

Petrified sand dune at Arches National Park with La Sal Mountain range behind

Purple aster growing from a crack in a rock.

Sheep rock in Arches National Park

Hovenweep National Monument. Cajon Unit.

PURPLE blooming prickly pear cactus.



Area that burned last year. I returned to this site several times and watched the vegetation and succession of plants recolonizing this area.

Prince's plume

Skull of a hare

Skull Arch in Arches National Park

Spade-foot toad

Co-worker in Fiery Furnace

The wind made this plant make perfect circles

Oh, just some mountain lion tracks.

Showy milkweed

Baby Salamanders living in a pudddle

This black brush is a perfect circle. Beautiful.

Broken Arch in Arches National Park

Heart shaped rock. Of course.

Tumbleweed full of pink seeds.

Blooming buckwheat

Lake Powell

First snow storm
