It has snowed here! a good foot in places - with drift. The weather has been nice though, in the 20s. (I say nice because the snow isn't melting to form ice by night, but still warm enough I can make due with just a coat (no heavy gloves, hats, layers, so forth)
Gordon has been finishing up training at the fire station. He will soon be going on calls as a medic with them. He's already on the text message alert system, which makes him excited. Because of something firefighter related (not entirely certain what) Gordon is keeping his face bald. He also shaved his head a couple weeks ago, but that's growing back.
I am doing a Hogwarts Celebration get-together with some couples we know around Halloween time.
And I've been making some yummy jalapeno poppers, and pumpkin chocolate chip muffins.
Our tortoise is a bit disappointed that I've stopped bringing in veggies from our garden, and have been buying it instead.
I posted some pictures onto Google+ I'm not sure why it wont let me post them here too, since its all through my google account.
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