Monday, December 29, 2014


We were invited to a Christmas Eve Party with some wardies. It was a bit strange as we were the youngest couple, and the only ones without kids, it's still strange to me that I'm in the same "class" as parents. We stayed late talking. Gordon left their kids a Santa Claus note and ate all the cookies. We got home around 3, and Gordon insisted it was already Christmas so we needed to open presents. I relented and we opened our gifts and took turns taking fun pictures with our cool new gifts.
Warmest socks ever - thanks to Alecia

present to myself (those Yak-Trak grippies for shoes)

Gordon and his socks

MORE SOCKS! (I feel a bit like Dumbledore)

Blurry awesome earrings - Thanks again to Alecia

Santa's BIG gift this year - a car emergency kit

Awesome wrist warmers and bracelet - Thanks to Mie

Installed moments after this photo was taken. Love this!

More Momma Mie gifts - Oliphant Skirt and scarf (the scarf has shiney glitterly parts)

Gordon trying his toothbrush


OOOOOHHHH Yea! Loverly necklaces
Octavious has no idea what to do about this. 
Thanks for all the love this holiday season!


  1. No photos of the Christmas stockings? The kind that hold presents & candy canes?

  2. I know I have a photo pf them somewhere. Let me find it.....
