Thursday, June 6, 2013

Jesse's work for dinner

Today we ate gyros and sweet potato fries courtesy of Jesse's work. We waited around after closing to take Jesse back home with us, and so the kids were turned loose.
Hazel was practicing her runway walk and smiling pose at the end, I got it on camera here.
Emmett tried to do the same, but he did a lot of flailing when he ran. Of course he ran. He's two, almost three, and if given the choice he prefers to run.

 I got a bit bored and lazy and laid down for a bit to get a better angle for the runway shots
Emmett sitting like a big boy on the bench
 Kassie holding Hazel to look at Dad as he was cleaning up after dinner
Over all it was fun hanging out with Kassie and her kids, even with them screaming like a banshee and Kassie calling my face horse like.

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