Friday, May 31, 2013

In the Mountains

On Monday, Memorial Day, I went for a hike on G-mountain with my friend Matt. G-mountain really is just a mini mountain sitting on the toes of Mount Timpanogos, that happens to have the white G that over looks the city of Pleasant Grove. So naturally while on this hike we have some lovely views and I remembered to snap a couple quick pictures of us posing showing off our awesomeness on the edge of huge drop. I was terrified I was going to slip and die. Matt on the other hand is a human version of a mountain goat and he had no problem balancing on the edge of an assured death.

So the G, as mentioned, is white, but once we got there we found it was rather green from the grass and shrubbery growing between the white plastic paneling. and there was spots where it was once painted red by a rival high school showed through the white repaint. We also noted a generator near by, which on the night of graduation lit the G with white Christmas lights.

Most of the hike was through rock, sand, coarse grasses, and scrub oak. I found myself missing my marsh/prairie/forest of my home in Wisconsin. This picture was taken accidentally when Matt was trying to figure out my camera, and it is a good example of the biological diversity. Please note the amount of "life" is in this picture on the left, compared to that I am used to in Wisconsin picture on the right. The Wisconsin picture was taken last autumn at Kettle Moraine State Park

View of Pleasant Grove from the top of the G
That Wednesday after I found myself again in the mountains. A group of guys were going climbing up this waterfall. and I agreed to come along. These guys convinced me that the rope was actually going to support me, and my harness as well so I didn't need to cling on for dear life. I still held on much tighter than I needed, but at least I got my arm workout for the day. So this picture is of me, in the black, repelling down the side of the waterfall. I am glad I did it, and I want to do it again.

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