Thursday, February 20, 2014

So Hot It's Burning! (before the fire)

I wrote out some things I wanted to have written for my next blog post. Oh how quickly life changes course! This was what I wrote quickly - brainstorming - the day before the fire.

"I have bread rising, hubby is doing laundry.
I made some pizza crusts - in the freezer - for a quick meal, some cinnamon rolls, some muffins. I really wanna try some sourdough popovers, I'll try those this next weekend.

We ate reindeer sausage pizza yesterday and last week we we’re invited over to a friend’s home where we ate moose meatloaf. I am sure expanding my palette up here with local game. Both meats were very delicious.

We are mostly settled into our apartment now, we have the kitchen functional all the cloths put away, we only have a few nick-knacks that need a place. Like where to put the sewing kit. Does it go in the bathroom or in the closet with the clothes? Or with the office supplies?


I had been meaning to take pictures of our apartment with being all settled in. We had found some white Christmas lights and strung them up. It wasn't much but it was home. I had been meaning to take pictures of our place when the sun was up - hard to do on weekdays where it was only up for the hours I was in school.

Strange huh? The moment I was getting comfortable the world turns upside down. Luckily in the world of biology that simply means when my environment changes, I must change as well. That's called adaptation. (Although it's defined for a population not for an individual.)

I also must admit the recent titles of my blog have been foreshadowing this, with too warm and freaky warm. Now its so hot its burning!

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