I am not entirely sure if this video is functional. It is a quick tour through our new home.
If this video doesn't work I will upload some pictures shortly.
Our place is so nice! It is only two miles from campus, and as we are trying to get more excessive into our daily routine we are starting to walk to and from campus. When we get bikes we will bike instead. By car, our drive is five minuets.
I live just barely out of the city and over a hill. We don't get the city lights instead we get lovely trees on all sides. It is gorgeous.
To assist in productivity Gordon and I have decided not to get internet at our new home. We have found we use it too frequently for unnecessary things. We want to spend time together when we are home. That's what we tell our selves, but really its because we're cheap. We have had some late nights on campus using the internet to finish papers in time, but otherwise I think it is more productive for both of us to physically be in a study area while studying than trying to study at home with distractions.
It snowed again today. It has snowed a good 4 inches last night and is still snowing now. It looks really beautiful. Our old snow was browning from the gravel and salt. The new snow makes everything crisp and lovely.
This time of thaw and freeze the locals call the "breakup." this year it has started very early. Last year they still has snow when the kids were being released for the summer.
Speaking of summer we're both signed up for some summer classes - mostly on line to not interfere with summer jobs. We are both applying for summer jobs and hoping that everything will work out for our summer trip plans.
Its getting bright out. We keep finding ourselves eating dinner at 8 and thinking it is 6. The sunlight outside is confusing us. We have invested (aka looked at a thrift store), in some heavy curtains in our room that helps keep the sun out.
We are otherwise fairly boring. I painted a picture yesterday. And my husband almost pushed me off the bed last night. I had to be an acrobat to secure some bed space.