He is still a bit hesitant with us, so when ever we walk by he stops eating and sometimes shrinks back. He's improving from where he used to hide in him shell when ever we stepped to heavily.
I assume most of you wont have time to watch the entire video, the last portion is really adorable once I put down some collared greens for him. Also during the middle portion, he has a spinach leaf stuck to his foot that he had accidentally speared with his nails. He was having some issues with that leaf.
I should mention there is no sound on this video. I turned it on then finished making dinner. I edited it down afterwards.
I found on YouTube that I can stick songs to the movie. So here is some completely unrelated jazz music to listen to while you watch Octavious munch away. I was trying to find some good epic sounding monster ravaging the city music, but I couldn't fins anything I liked. So now there is jazz.
(can anyone tell its the last week of classes, and I'm doing everything in my power not to go crazy?)
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