Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Plants and Crafts and Home Making

Below I have pictures of Octavious' home and some pics of him enjoying it.

I painted this on some cheap water color paper with some acrylic paints I've picked up. It was fun to use some creativity. It might be hard to see, what it is a ray of light falling on some small dark spindly saplings. Our table cloth is underneath.


I also made this large twelve pointed star dream catcher. I've decided that I really like twelve pointed stars. I feel they carry a lot of symbolism. They contain the star of David, and the only way to create a repeated simple star pattern with twelve points is to count to the seventh position to connect the lines. (seven is some times symbolized as the "whole" or "perfect" number). The star has some really cool places where they cross each other. This forms four beads in the center and twelve beads surrounding that. I was working of this project during LDS General Conference, which may have influenced my noticing of numerical symbols.

Another exciting development in our home is our starter garden and herb window garden. I have little decomposable starter pots that are currently sprouting carrots, peas and spinach - soon to sprout the squash and beans as well.
In my herb garden I have thyme and chive sprouted with basil, parsley, cilantro, and I'm drawing a blank on the last one, in a window box. I am excited to be soon able to cook with fresh herbs and eat from my garden come fall/late summer.
Side note: Leaves fall in August here, and there are no bill boards. I hadn't realized this last one until some one mentioned it in class today.


  1. Amanda I can see you love your tortuoise. He does look like fun, do you let him just roam? The painting is very creative indeed. Me likey. Video tour of your place is... well was funny to see Gordon in video just sitting on bed holding his bow, must be a cool bow :) Do I need to ship you a bean bag or two so you have something comfy to sit on other than your bed.:) Good to have so many updates on you guys. I'm going to see if I can get a blog done very soon. Love you sis.

  2. Your dream catcher is pretty amazing too. I also like your window garden, I hope it flourishes for you. We planted some seeds outside but with the snow we'll probably have to try again.

  3. I do let him roam occasionally, but only under supervision. I made sure we didn't have any spaces he could get stuck.
    We don't have anything comfy to diet on other than our bed. Yet. Thanks for your proposal, but I fear the shipping cost won't be worth it. We'll find a cheap sofa or bean bag chair sooner or later. The bed works fine for now.
    Thank you for all your complements, you're making me blush :)
    I love you too, sis.
